Research & Product Development in Halifax, NS
Focal Research Consultants LimitedFocal Research Consultants LimitedFocal Research Consultants Limited
(Monday - Friday)
Halifax, NS, Canada, B3L 2C2

Customer Success Manager

Laurie brings nearly two decades of expertise in safer gambling to Focal Research, contributing significantly to player protection and staff training in casinos across Canada.

Laurie Norman

Customer Success Manager
  • +1 902 454 8856
  • 7071 Bayers Rd Suite 309, Halifax, NS, B3L 2C2

Laurie’s collaboration with Focal Research began in 2005 with the first prototype of the ALeRT Bettor protection system. Laurie was instrumental in developing the practical application of this player protection tool in a casino environment, personally documenting over 9000 player interactions. 

During the past 19 years Laurie has worked in the casino environment developing and managing a responsible gambling program.   With degrees in Addiction Studies and Education, Laurie is nationally recognized as a subject matter expert, speaking at national conferences and providing casino staff training in a number of provinces and territories.  

“Focal has been leading the development of player protection software for the past two decades and I am excited to be back working with Focal and honoured to be part of their team.   I look forward to sharing my passion for helping players along their customer journey and can’t wait to see where we go in the next 10 years”, said Laurie.

Team Members

Safer Gambling Solutions

Presentations, Publications, & Research

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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