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ALeRT BETTOR Customer Care

Safer (Responsible) Gambling Training

For ALeRT System training and better customer interactions for staff and managers

The ALeRT BETTOR Customer Care Training program is intended as an ancillary resource for gambling operators to use in addition to their own policies, practices and staff training.  

This training program provides service staff with additional information and skill sets for undertaking effective customer interactions as part of normal customer care. This in turn helps gamblers make better decisions, making gambling safer for all those choosing to gamble.

ALeRT BETTOR Customer Care

Everything in one place for staff and manager training

In addition to our ALeRT™ BETTOR Protection System, operators also get our full ALeRT™ BETTOR Customer Care Training Program which provides broad coverage of a full suite of products, including:

ALeRT System Training
ALeRT BETTOR Customer Care Training
ALeRT Dashboard Training
Safer Gambling (Responsible Gambling) Player Resources
Staff & Manager Guides
ALeRT Newsletters
ALeRT Support
Account Overview / Sign Out
ALeRT BETTOR Customer Care

Dashboard and Customer Interaction Video Training

Staff and manager video training is conducted online through your branded ALeRT™ BETTOR Customer Care Training Portal. 

With ALeRT’s BETTOR Customer Care Video Training, operators can train staff on how to use the ALeRT™ System and how to better interact with venue patrons.

The video training section of your portal consists of expert led online training modules for each component of ALeRT BETTOR Customer Care for staff and managers. After each lesson, staff and managers take a short quiz as part of their training to qualify their understanding. In return, your organization can track staff and manager training progress in real-time.

Course 1: Introduction to ALeRT BETTOR Customer Care Training Videos
Course 2: ALeRT BETTOR Customer Care Training Videos
Course 3: ALeRT Dashboard Training
ALeRT BETTOR Customer Care

Manager & Staff Guides

Managers and staff can access custom-designed viewable and printable help and training guides in the BETTOR Customer Care Training Portal. These resourceful guilds help to better staff and manager understanding of how to use the ALeRT BETTOR Protection System and training portal as a quick review.

The use of the ALeRT technology lets staff reach out to at-risk gamblers at the right time. Identification is then linked to meaningful customer interactions, relevant resources, and referrals as part of a stepped-up customer care program.

An essential part of that program is providing customers with the right information and tools to self-assess and manage their player journey.

Safer Gambling (Responsible Gambling) Staff Guide
How to Use The ALeRT BETTOR Customer Care Training Portal
Staff Interaction Levels
ALeRT Managers Dashboard Guide
ALeRT Glossary
ALeRT BETTOR Customer Care

Healthy Bottom Line Player Resources

Access to Safer Gambling Materials for Informed Choices
Comprehensive Safer Gambling Solutions for Safer Play
Effective Safer Gambling Tools for Proactive Risk Management
Promotion of Safer Gaming Practices
Support for Informed Decision-Making
Customized Resources Tailored for Operators

With our Healthy Bottom Line player resources, we recognize the importance of equipping players with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions and safeguard their gambling experience. Our Safer Gambling Materials (Responsible Gambling Materials) are designed for customers, providing insights into gambling risks and harms, while signposting those with risky play patterns that could lead to long-term issues to the appropriate support services.

ALeRT BETTOR Customer Care

Extended Help Materials & Support

The ALeRT BETTOR Customer Care Training Portal comes equipped with additional support features and resources to ensure operators are always up to date with the latest news, information, and system changes. 

User Support

What Our Clients Have to Say

More Safer Gambling Solutions

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