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Focal Points Newsletter - March 2025


Welcome to the March issue of Focal Points.

Dive into the latest insights from Regulating the Game, our innovative research publication with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Plus, get a sneak peek at our upcoming presentation at the Responsible Gambling Council Discovery Conference this spring.

But that’s not all! We’re thrilled to share Focal Assist, an interactive digital tool crafted to enhance productivity and support player needs. And now trialling is Focal GO, our innovative, award-winning mobile app designed to streamline staff workflows and boost efficiency.

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Chief Stakeholder Relations Officer, Jay Robinson and President, Tracy Schrans at this year's Regulating the Game Conference in Sydney NSW, March 10th-13th, 2025.
Robert Lopez (Norths Collective), Jay Robinson and Tracy Schrans (Focal).

We are proud to share that we won the Best Pitch trophy at the RTG Pitch event this March.

This award was for our new mobile app, Focal GO, which impressed the judges with its innovative features and potential for real-time safer gambling interactions.

In addition, we received a mention for “Best Innovation” for Focal Assist, our new digital safer gambling tool that is interactive, practical and destigmatizing.

Focal and the University of Nevada Las Vegas International Gaming Institute have now completed their latest collaborative research exploring the links between player risk and session length.

Applied Research Lead, Dr. Melissa Salmon

Melissa will present on the Impact of Safer Gambling Interactions at the Responsible Gambling Discovery Conference on May 20-22, 2025, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Stay tuned for more information!

Focal Assist, our new interactive safer gambling digital resource.

Focal Assist provides a one-stop resource for customers playing at all levels of risk, not just those experiencing harm. It eliminates the need for operators to source and vet safer gambling content, providing trusted, evidence-based resources.

Focal GO, our new on-the-floor mobile companion.

With Focal GO, licensed gambling operators can effortlessly connect with guests, delivering the right message at the right time, right on the gambling floor. If enabled, operators can connect with guests in real-time and receive recommended actions from the system.

Let us know if we can assist you with your safer gambling needs.

The Focal Team

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