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Focal Wins 2022 Export Business of the Year Award

Focal Research Wins Halifax Chamber Export Business of The Year Award - 2022

Halifax, NS: April 1st, 2022– Focal Research Consultants Limited has been recognized as the Halifax Chamber’s 2022 Export Business of the Year and congratulates the other deserving finalists in the category, Smart Income, Admiral, Aqua Clean and CGI. 

Co-Founders Dr. Tony Schellinck CEO and Tracy Schrans, President acknowledged the extraordinary challenges facing business globally over the past few years and thanked the Focal team. “This success belongs to our dedicated staff and families and friends who have been integral to our survival and growth.’’ 

Schrans continued, “It has been quite a journey and there have been many people who have helped us along our way” noting the important role of Nova Scotia Business Inc., ACOA and the National Research Council of Canada’s Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) in helping local businesses deliver world-class products and services internationally. 

Focal also shares this award with their clients in Europe, UK, Australia, and NZ who were thought leaders in the gambling industry as early adopters of Focal’s ALeRT™ player protection technology. 

The Halifax Chamber judging committee received 510 nominations. There were five finalists with one winner per category. 

About Focal Research Consultants Limited

Focal Research, a Canadian data analytics company, uses data science and information technology for social policy, corporate social responsibility, and consumer protection purposes. For three decades, Focal has worked with stakeholders worldwide, setting responsible gambling standards for player protection with international recognition in developing algorithms to help operators identify and assist at-risk gamblers. 

About ALeRT™ BETTOR Protection

ALeRT™ offers a powerful solution to fully manage safer gambling and customer interaction initiatives, including precise dashboard and player analytics, interaction reporting and management reporting. In addition, ALeRT provides broad coverage of a full suite of products, including pokies, video lottery, slots, electronic roulette, table games, sports betting, racing, etc.

The ALeRT™ System is based on 20+ years of peer-reviewed research and industry testing. Developed in collaboration with operators, regulators and public health providers in Europe, Canada, NZ, and the UK, it helps gambling operators deliver consistent day-to-day customer care over all their properties.

The system integrates corporate social responsibility best practices and technologies across a modern enterprise, helping move operators into an active prevention role. It does this by identifying at-risk players, supporting effective customer interactions, and evaluating the impact of such interactions in reducing customer risk and harm.

ALeRT™ is an agile solution that can be easily adapted to product changes and compliance, protecting an operator’s return on investment. ALeRT™ is now deployed in over 400 locations around the globe and growing. 

For more information:

Laura Watts
Communications & Project Management
(T) +1 902-454-8856

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