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Focal Research Consultants LimitedFocal Research Consultants LimitedFocal Research Consultants Limited
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For Immediate Release

Rethinking The Norm: Focal to Share Fresh Insights and Challenge Assumptions at Upcoming EASG & IAGR Conferences

Halifax, NS: July 12th, 2024

Focal Research Consultants announced today that they will be taking part in the European Association for the Study of Gambling’s (EASG) 14th Annual European Conference on Gambling Studies and Policy Issues in September, as well as the International Association of Gambling Regulators (IAGR) conference in October, both taking place in Rome, Italy.

The EASG Conference will be held from September 10th – 13th. President of Focal, Tracy Schrans said, “Focal’s Applied Research Lead, Dr. Melissa Salmon will present, “Is There a Right Time to Interact with Players Based on How Long they Play?” This research explores the effectiveness of time-based thresholds for identifying and supporting those experiencing gambling-related harm. In my session, “It’s All About the Money: Decoding Why Players Engage in Long Sessions Without Breaks,” I will present new research using real-world behavioural data and offer new evidence to challenge existing research on time thresholds and best practices for player protection.”

The IAGR Conference will be held from October 21st – 24th. CEO of Focal, Dr. Tony Schellinck said, “I will be participating in a panel discussion on Responsible Gambling Programs and the Use of Player Data. My contributions will focus on key learnings and outcomes of Focal’s collaborative work with regulators around how player data can be harnessed to make evidence-informed decisions and achieve specific oversight goals. I will also speak to how this process benefits operators by taking the guesswork out of data provision requirements to better meet compliance goals for player safety.”

About Focal Research Consultants Limited:

Focal Research, is an award-winning Canadian data analytics company that uses data science and information technology for social policy, corporate social responsibility, and consumer protection purposes. Focal has worked with stakeholders worldwide for three decades, setting responsible gambling standards for player protection with international recognition in developing algorithms to help operators identify and assist at-risk gamblers.

About ALeRT BETTOR Protection:

ALeRT is a data-driven prevention tool for finding and assisting at-risk gamblers. It is deployed in 400+ gambling venues worldwide and has been actively used for player protection since 2021. Over the past three years, hundreds of thousands of safer gambling interactions have been delivered for gambling providers in AU, NZ, and the UK with measurable impacts in supporting sustainable gambling.

For more information:

Laura Watts
Communications & Project Management
(T) +1 902-454-8856

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