Research & Product Development in Halifax, NS
Focal Research Consultants LimitedFocal Research Consultants LimitedFocal Research Consultants Limited
(Monday - Friday)
Halifax, NS, Canada, B3L 2C2

Press & Communications Centre

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Please understand that some inquiries or queries may take longer than others depending on the importance and subject matter being reviewed.

About Focal Research Consultants Limited

Focal Research Consultants Limited is a data analytics and research firm providing private and public sector clients with industry-leading products and services since 1990.

We were the first to use gambling data and data analytics to develop predictive risk models for identifying high risk gambling patterns developing the first commercial algorithms used on the floor in Canadian casinos in 2005 and since then working with private and public operators in Canada Europe, UK New Zealand and Australia developing bespoke risk detection models.

Much of our work stemmed from increasing regulatory pressure to address risk and harm arising from the growth of new forms of gambling in particular electronic gambling machines and the need for Industry to adopt a more proactive position in preventing and reducing harm that could arise from overconsumption. This meant that operators were expected to be part of the active solution in providing staff and customers with information, assistance, and adequate tools to help customers self-manage, to motivate them to use the info and tools and then evaluate how well these efforts performed in preventing and reducing gambling risk and harm among their customers.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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